Levi Gray Joined

Levi Gray at Wembley for Women's FA Cup Final

Army Referee, Levi Gray, has been appointed as Reserve Assistant Referee at the Women's FA Cup Final at Wembley

Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur are set to compete in the Adobe Women’s FA Cup Final at a packed Wembley Stadium on Sunday 12 May. The Army FA are delighted that one of our own Match Officials, Lt Levi Gray, has been selected as part of the officiating team as Reserve Assistant at this most prestigious occasion.

Levi joined the Royal Irish Regiment in April 2022 having already gained a good reputation as a Referee in her home County of Birmingham. Now in her fifth season as a referee, she began officiating in Men’s football with Birmingham County FA.

This season marks her debut as a referee in the Women’s Championship and as an Assistant Referee in the Women’s Super League.

She is thrilled to be chosen as part of the officiating team for such a momentous event and is grateful to the Army FA for their support, opportunities for growth, and encouragement.