2019-20 Outstanding Cup Competition Update
Date: 11 September 2020
Brief Update (2019/20 Outstanding Cup Competitions)
Whilst Army football is slowly returning the re-start of the game at our levels has been a significant challenge for everyone involved and we cannot express enough the importance of ensuring that we all adhere to the guidelines previously provided to ensure it can continue in a safe and secure way. To this we ask for flexibility and understanding from all sections of the game.
It was always our intent to complete, where possible, some of the outstanding cup competitions carried over from 2019/20. The Army Challenge Cup (Major Units) competition is now at the semi final stage:
3RSME (Camberley) v 1 Yorks (Warminster).
8 Bn REME (Lyneham) v 7 Regt RLC (Cottesmore).
The final of the 2019/20 Minor Units Cup will be between 34 Field Hospital (Strensall) and The Armour Cen (Bovington). We are currently looking for a suitable date and venue for this match.
The Womens Corps Edwards Challenge Cup Final will be played between AMS and REME in Bicester Garrison (23 September) whilst the Mens Woolwich Cup Final (RE v Royal Signals) will be played in Aldershot (28 September).
For ease of clarity due to Covid-19 all these finals will be totally scaled down from a normal cup final activity adhering to the strict guidelines implemented.
It has also been agreed by the UKAF that it is the intent to complete the 2020 Inter Services, hopefully by the end of October, with a deadline of December.
Plans for the commencement of the 2020/21 Corps leagues are advanced with the Massey Trophy due to start on Friday 2nd October with the Womens Corps League to follow a fortnight later.
A more comprehensive Army FA round up will follow later this month when we have more details on Army football activity.