Observers training
All Army FA Level 6 Referees and above are encouraged to complete the Observers training to undertake assessing duties.
Observations may be carried out by any service (RN,RAF or Army) or civilian association provided that the assessor is an FA Registered Assessor. Civilian Observers may be requested from the local County FA but only when there are no military assessors available; it may be necessary to make prior arrangements to meet their out of pocket expenses.
It should be noted that assessments for promotion can only be carried out by assessors who have attained FA Registered Observer status. Observers must attend In-Service Training on an annual basis to retain FA Registered Observer status. This will be reviewed annually on a case by case basis.
Observer policy
Army FA Observers are reminded that they must submit their assessments within seven days of the match, using the correct forms appropriate to that Level of Referee. Observers are advised that they must send a copy of the assessment to the referee directly with a copy also being sent to; this will enable easy coordination of all the assessments.
To help with the coordination of assessments, assessors are asked to submit the observer reports with the following naming policy:
Date of Match_Initial_Surname_Position_Mark-Security Classification
e.g. 20120801_G_Brookland_R_75-U
This naming policy must be used when submitting assessments to Graham Brookland only; it must not be used when sending the reports to the referees, especially Promotion Candidates as it gives away their mark.
Observer fees
Fees for Observers are as follows:
Within seven days: £15
7-14 days: £10
Within 21 days: £5
Advisory Observer Report (9-7): £10 (one per new Referee)
No payment will be provided after 21 days and the Assessor will not be given another appointment unless there is a valid reason and he has delivered the overdue report.
Fees are paid on an annual basis at the end of the July of the season about to end. Observers are required to keep a list of the assessments they have completed and submit these to Graham on the 1st of March each year.
Observer forms
To keep in line with FA Policy regarding Observers, the Army FA have adopted The FA Assessment Forms that are in current use nationally. As a result, the following assessments should be used when assessing the following levels:
- Level 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Referee: Supply League Referee Form (mark included on report to referee)
- Level 7 - 6, 6 - 5 Referee: Promotion Observer Form (mark only included on form sent to Graham Brookland)
- Level 9 - 7 Referee: Mentoring & Development Form (no mark needed for this type of assessment)
- Assistant Referees: Supply League Assistant Referee Form (marks to be included on all forms)
These forms can be found at the bottom of this page in the Documents Box. Any reports submitted on old forms will NOT be accepted.
Marks are to be included on all observer reports and sent to Graham Brookland with confidential remarks for the Referees Committee if necessary. Marks should only be included on reports sent to Level 5 or above referees. Promotion Candidates are NOT to be sent a report with their mark included.
Level of observers
Select List Observers
Select List Observers assess our Select List Referees however can also assess all levels of referee. Progression to this level is determined below and granted after gaining plenty of experience observing and referee at Select List Level.
To be included on the list of approved Select List Observers the requirements are:
- To have been a Select List Refereee for a minimum of 2 years.
- To have attended annual In-Service Training.
- To have carried out observer reports on a regular basis.
Senior List Observers
Senior List Observers observe promotion candidates going from 5 to 4 and 6 to 5. They can observe any referee who is currently at or aspiring to Level 4, 5, 6 or 7. Observers are promoted to this level after gaining plenty of observing experience.
FA Registered Observers
FA Registered Observers can observe referees at Level 5, 6 or 7. This can be either in an advisory or promotion capacity.
List of observers
A complete list of Observers who assess on behalf of the Army FA can be seen by clicking on the following:
Army FA Referees - Assessor Workforce (Google doc)
Observers handbook
In the Documents section below is the current Observers Handbook in use by The FA and the Army FA. Observers are encouraged to use this when completing reports as a reference guide. All information regarding to observing can be found in this Handbook.
Observers course
The Army FA hold an annual Army FA Observers IST Day and Observers Course. This day is designed to train new observers and also develop our current observers, keeping them up to date with current practice. This training day counts as their IST, enabling assessors to assess for another season.
For details regarding the next observers course, please keep an eye out for details via email or the Army FA Events Guide.
Mentoring Referee Development Form
Supply League Referee Assessment Form
Supply League Assessment Handbook Revised Sept 2014