Army Football badge on a match official's shirt


This page provides Army FA Referees links to see when they have been appointed to officiate in Army FA sanctioned matches. There is also information for Team Manager on how to request and update officials for matches.

Note for Referees

The Army FA Referee Appointments Bulletin and instructions on how to use it can be found HERE

Army and Men’s Corps appointments are made by Chris Steadman -

Women’s Corps appointments are made by James Garsrud - 

Unit match appointments are made by the Regional Appointment Secretaries

Appointments UK Scotland - Luke Quinton
Appointments UK North -Jamie Gibson
Appointments UK Midlands – Andy Cuthbert
Appointments UK South – Ben Duffill
Appointments Cyprus – Thomas Nicholson

Notes for Team Managers

Requests for Army FA referees are made through the Regional Appointment Secretaries group email addresses:

Appointments UK Scotland -
Appointments UK North -
Appointments UK Midlands -
Appointments UK South -
Appointments Cyprus –

 Army and Men’s Corps appointments are made by Chris Steadman -

Women's Corps appointments are made by James Garsrud -

When requesting a referee please use the following template to communicate your requirement:

Fixture Type (League/Cup/Friendly):
Home Team/Unit name:
Away Team:
Location of pitch including post code:
Date of fixture:
KO time:
Contact Name:
Contact number (mobile):
Any Additional Information:

Referee Match Fee

Match fees for all matches are set annually by the United Kingdom Armed Forces Association (UKAF). The Referees’ Sub Committee reviews the fees each season and makes recommendations for change to the UKAF FAAGM. The fee will apply to all matches, including Corps, Inter Corps, Division competitions, Army Challenge Cup and Minor Units Cup competitions and non competitive matches.

The fees for Final Ties may be replaced by the presentation of a suitable memento. Unless otherwise stated, where appointed, a fourth official is to be treated as an Assistant Referee.

The current level of fees is:

Corps & Representative, League & Cup (Men & Women)

Referee £20.00
Weekend Fixture £45.00
Assistant referee £15.00
Weekend Fixture £35.00

Unit Football (Men & Women)

Referee £15.00
Weekend Fixture £35.00

Assistant referee £10.00
Weekend Fixture £25.00

Day Events (Working Day) 

Event Fee £25.00
Meal & refreshment provision throughout length of event
Memento for all Officials

Day Events (Weekend)

Event Fee £50.00
Meal & refreshment provision throughout length of event
Memento for all Officials

The home club is responsible for payment which should be paid before kick-off.  The recommendation is to pay the Officials via BACS which can help clubs with audit and is the audit process for all Corps Associations.

Get in touch

For any referee enquiries, please email Steve Clout
