Army Sport

The Army Sport Control Board (ASCB) was formed on 18 November 1918 by order of the Army Council (ACI 1299).  The Army Sport Control Board was renamed Army Sport in June 2023.

The Army Reserve Sport Board (ARSB) was formed in February 1948 and was affiliated to the ASCB. On 1 April 2011 the ASCB and TASB merged to form one integrated sports board known as the ASCB. This Charter supersedes all previous charters contained in Games and Sports in the Army (AC61021) and the TASB's Rules and General Information (AC62467).

The policy for sport in the Army is the responsibility of Hd Trg(A), which is contained in AGAI Volume 1 Chapter 5 'Sport'. The policy for Armed Forces Sport is the responsibility of the Directorate of Training, Education, Skills, Recruiting and Resettlement ( TESRR) and is contained in JSP 660.

Army Sport website